$100 Million awarded Since 1994 6,000 Satisfied Clients

Posted On July 19, 2019 Auto Injury,Case Studies

Fractured Shoulder Case Result – $150,000

Rolling through a stop sign isn’t the same as coming to a full and complete stop to look for oncoming traffic. Disobeying a traffic signal‚ whether it’s running a red light or failing to yield‚ potentially places every other driver on the road in harm’s way. For our client‚ a motorist showing that type of disregard for the rules of the road changed her life forever. The event happened on a straight road in the middle of the afternoon. A driver blew through a stop sign and swung her vehicle into traffic‚ directly in the path of our client’s own car. A terrible collision followed.

The impact fractured our client’s shoulder at the socket and tore through cartilage. Examinations by emergency room doctors also showed nerve impingements and compression fractures in the middle of her back. The damage to our client’s shoulder was so significant she required invasive surgery to replace the joint with an artificial implant. The procedure managed to alleviate her acute symptoms‚ but could do nothing to alleviate the near-constant discomfort she would feel in the area for the rest of her life.

Doctors stated that our client may require further corrective surgeries in the future and would never again have a full range of motion in her shoulder. Our New Jersey car accident attorneys pursued the at-fault driver’s insurance company to compensate our client for her permanent injuries and significant medical debt arising from the crash. Faced with overwhelming medical evidence provided by experienced physicians‚ the insurance had little room to argue with evidence that proved that their insured driver had acted recklessly and was completely responsible for the collision.

The six-figure settlement we obtained for our client helped her work through her physical recovery without having to worry about potentially crippling medical debt. The money puts a positive spin on what could have been a real tragedy for a client who was injured through no fault of her own.