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Posted On April 6, 2023 Consumer Privacy & Data Breaches

Cyberattack at Western Digital Corporation Might Have Exposed Confidential Consumer Information

NOTICE: If you received a NOTICE OF DATA BREACH letter from Western Digital Corporation, contact the attorneys at Console & Associates at (866) 778-5500 to discuss your legal options, or submit a confidential Case Evaluation form here.

Data Breach AlertApril 6, 2023 – Western Digital Corporation announced through a press release on April 3, 2023 that it had suffered from a data security issue. The likelihood that the hack resulted in the disclosure of customer information exists; however, the corporation has not yet made a definitive statement to that effect. Western Digital is still looking into the situation, but if it turns out that customer information was compromised, the business will likely start sending out data breach notification letters to everyone who was affected by the latest data security problem.

Anyone who has received a notice from Lewis & Clark College about a data breach is strongly encouraged to contact a data breach lawyer at Console & Associates, P.C. as soon as possible. What to do now, how to protect yourself, and whether or not you have a case against Lewis & Clark because of a data breach are all things we can help you with.

About Western Digital Corporation

Headquartered in San Jose, California, Western Digital Corporation is a leading provider of cloud storage services, data storage devices, and data center systems. It also produces and distributes computer hard drives. Established in 1970, Western Digital Corp. today boasts a workforce of over 65,000 and annual revenue of around $18 billion.

Information About a Potential Western Digital Data Breach

Western Digital reportedly discovered a breach in its network on March 26, 2023, as reported in a press release and other media outlets. Western Digital has responded by opening an investigation into what happened. A third party got access to several of the company’s systems, the company states, adding that the investigation into this matter is ongoing.

Western Digital has stated that it is acting proactively to resolve the security risk. The corporation, for instance, just temporarily suspended the My Cloud service. Although Western Digital has not yet acknowledged whether any customer data was exposed as a result of the latest incident, the corporation will be required to notify all those whose private information was compromised by data breach letters if it has.

What You Can Still Do Today

You shouldn’t wait too long to take steps to protect your data because we don’t yet know what kind of data was compromised in the incident. Your personal information may already be in the possession of hackers and identity thieves.

You can start putting some of the preventative steps listed below into practice right away. This is not a comprehensive list, and if the data breach exposes your financial information, you might want to take additional steps.

Be Sure to Keep a Close Eye on Your Financial Accounts

It’s always a good idea to keep a close eye on how your money is being spent. Maintain vigilance over your financial records, including your bank accounts, credit card statements, and credit profile, and notify the appropriate authorities promptly if you see any suspicious activity.

Consider Making Use of Credit Freezes and Fraud Alerts

The three major credit bureaus all offer free services that might assist you in maintaining a secure credit profile. These services include the opportunity to freeze your credit and to report fraudulent activity. In the event that you have your credit report frozen, no one will be able to access it without first obtaining your consent. When other companies receive a fraud alert, it acts as a warning signal to them. Any company that pulls your credit report will be notified that there is a possibility that your personal information has been taken, and that you may be the victim of identity theft or fraud as a result of this.

Protect All of Your Online Accounts

Even if no sensitive financial information was taken from you, you should still give top importance to the safety of your online accounts. It is time to change all of your passwords to something more secure. Hackers frequently search for additional accounts belonging to the victim that contain their personal information in order to successfully conduct a fraudulent transaction or an identity theft. If you have access to a two-factor authentication system, you should utilize it.

If You Have Been Affected by Western Digital Corporation Data Breach, Console & Associates, P.C. Can Help

The consumer privacy lawyers at Console & Associates, P.C. help customers affected by data and security breaches pursue legal solutions by offering free consultations. By explaining your rights in clear, concise terms, we help you make an informed decision about your next steps. If you are a victim of the Western Digital Corporation data breach, Console & Associates, P.C. will investigate at no charge to you and offer advice on how to proceed. If you decide to pursue a case, rest assured that we don’t get paid unless you do. If your claim is successful, legal fees are either paid out of the funds recovered or by the defendant. If your claim is not successful, you pay nothing.

To schedule your free consultation, just call (866) 778-5500 today or fill out our secure contact form.

NOTICE: If you received a NOTICE OF DATA BREACH letter from Western Digital Corporation, contact the attorneys at Console & Associates at (866) 778-5500 to discuss your legal options, or submit a confidential Case Evaluation form here.