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Posted On May 14, 2023 Consumer Privacy & Data Breaches

Fontainebleau Florida Hotel, LLC Reports Data Breach Affecting Over 18K Individuals

NOTICE: If you received a NOTICE OF DATA BREACH letter from Fontainebleau Florida Hotel, LLC, contact the attorneys at Console & Associates at (866) 778-5500 to discuss your legal options, or submit a confidential Case Evaluation form here.

Data Breach AlertMay 14 – Fontainebleau Florida Hotel, LLC (Fontainebleau Hotel) informed consumers on May 9, 2023 that a third party had gained unauthorized access to sensitive information kept on the hotel’s computer network. According to the company’s official report, the event led to the disclosure of customers’ names, bank account numbers, and Social Security numbers to a third party. After discovering a compromise of consumer information, the Fontainebleau Hotel promptly started notifying those directly affected via letter.

Data breach lawyers at Console & Associates, P.C. are now investigating the incident at the Fontainebleau Hotel. We are giving free consultations to anybody who has received a breach notification who is worried about identity theft and would want to understand more about their legal options for pursuing compensation from Fontainebleau Hotel.

About Fontainebleau Florida Hotel, LLC

The Fontainebleau Hotel is owned by Fontainebleau Florida Hotel, LLC. The Fontainebleau Hotel and Spa in Miami Beach, Florida, is situated on 22 oceanfront acres. The hotel also has a number of upscale dining options, a meeting center, and not one but two nightclubs. More than 691 individuals are employed by the Fontainebleau Hotel, and the establishment as a whole brings in around $85 million a year in income.

Information About the Fontainebleau Hotel Breach

According to a report filed with the Attorney General of Maine, Fontainebleau Hotel has discovered a data security breach that has affected their computer system. Even though the company hasn’t revealed many details about the incident, Fontainebleau Hotel has hired a cybersecurity firm to help it investigate.

The Fontainebleau Hotel’s investigation revealed that, beginning on August 30, 2022, and continuing until September 2, 2022, an unauthorized user accessed the hotel’s computer network. The intruder was also found to have accessed a number of files holding private consumer information.

The Fontainebleau Hotel immediately started reviewing the affected files after learning that sensitive consumer data had been made accessible to an unknown person. Information such as names, bank account details, and Social Security numbers may have been compromised, albeit the exact details vary on the person.

Fontainebleau Hotel notified those whose personal information was exposed by sending letters on May 9, 2023.

What Legal Actions Can Be Taken Against The Fontainebleau Hotel For The Data Breach?

You should assume that your personal information was compromised if you get a notice of a data breach from Fontainebleau Hotel. Your identity and Social Security number can now be in the hands of a hacker.

Customers may have felt comfortable submitting their information to Fontainebleau Hotel since it is a reputable business. This data breach casts doubt on the responsiveness and preparation of the Fontainebleau Hotel’s security procedures. Although the Fontainebleau Hotel was a target, it was also an essential safeguard for consumer information. If evidence of Fontainebleau Hotel’s negligence in its security procedures, such as outdated equipment or procedures, becomes public, you may be entitled to monetary compensation.

If You Have Been Affected by Fontainebleau Florida Hotel, LLC Data Breach, Console & Associates, P.C. Can Help

The consumer privacy lawyers at Console & Associates, P.C. help customers affected by data and security breaches pursue legal solutions by offering free consultations. By explaining your rights in clear, concise terms, we help you make an informed decision about your next steps. If you are a victim of the Fontainebleau Florida Hotel, LLC data breach, Console & Associates, P.C. will investigate at no charge to you and offer advice on how to proceed. If you decide to pursue a case, rest assured that we don’t get paid unless you do. If your claim is successful, legal fees are either paid out of the funds recovered or by the defendant. If your claim is not successful, you pay nothing.

To schedule your free consultation, just call (866) 778-5500 today or fill out our secure contact form.

Below is a portion of the letter sent to affected individuals:

Dear [Redacted],

The Fontainebleau Hotel understands the importance of securing the information we maintain. We addressed a security incident that involved some of your information. This letter explains the incident, the measures we have taken, and steps you may consider taking in response.

What Happened? We identified a data security incident and immediately took steps to secure our systems. A cybersecurity firm was engaged to conduct an investigation. The investigation determined that an unauthorized actor gained access to our network and accessed files on some of our computer systems between August 30,2022, and September 2,2022. We completed a comprehensive review of the systems involved and determined that some of your information was contained on a system accessed by an authorized actor.

What Information was Involved? The files contained your name, Social Security number, and financial account number.

What You Can Do. We are offering you free access to Experian’s IdentityWorks identity protection services for 12 months. This service helps detect possible misuse of your personal information and provides you with identity protection services focused on immediate identification and resolution of identity theft. This service is completely free to you and enrolling in this program will not hurt your credit score. For more information on Experian© IdentityWorksSM, including instructions to enroll in your free membership, and additional steps you can take, please see the pages that follow this letter. What We Are Doing. We regret that this occurred and apologize for any inconvenience. We are enhancing our existing information security measures.

For More Information: We have opened a dedicated call center to answer questions you may have about the incident and our response. If you have questions, please call (866) 982-2299, Monday through Friday, between 9:00 am – 7:00 pm Eastern Time.

NOTICE: If you received a NOTICE OF DATA BREACH letter from Fontainebleau Florida Hotel, LLC, contact the attorneys at Console & Associates at (866) 778-5500 to discuss your legal options, or submit a confidential Case Evaluation form here.