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Posted On May 10, 2023 Consumer Privacy & Data Breaches

Patient Social Security Numbers Compromised in Medicalodges, Inc. Data Breach

NOTICE: If you received a NOTICE OF DATA BREACH letter from Medicalodges, Inc., contact the attorneys at Console & Associates at (866) 778-5500 to discuss your legal options, or submit a confidential Case Evaluation form here.

Data Breach AlertMay 10 – There was reportedly a cyber incident at Medicalodges, Inc. in April 2023, which may have led to a data breach involving patient information. Even though the corporation hasn’t formally announced the breach, there’s reason to believe that sensitive information, such as customers’ Social Security numbers, was compromised. Medicalodges will begin delivering data breach notification letters to all people who were affected by the data breach if the business determines that customer data was compromised once the investigation is complete.

Data breach lawyers at Console & Associates, P.C. are now investigating the Medicalodges data breach. If you were affected by the Medicalodges data breach and would like to learn more about how you can protect yourself and discuss your legal options for seeking financial compensation from the company, we offer free consultations.

About Medicalodges, Inc.

Depending on the requirements of each individual patient, Medicalodges, Inc. offers a variety of healthcare services, such as nursing, assisted living, hospice, adult day care, skilled nursing, respite care, and in-home care. Coffeyville, the company’s headquarters, is one of around 30 Medicalodges locations throughout Kansas and Missouri. Other locations include Pittsburgh, Paola, Wichita, and Goddard. Medicalodges began in 1960, and now it employs around 1,710 people and makes $251 million each year.

Information About the Potential Medicalodges Breach

Around the middle of April 2023, rumors started to circulate that Medicalodges had suffered a data leak due to a cyberattack. Afterwards, a Medicalodges representative confirmed the existence of a “cyber-incident,” but declined to disclose any information.

However, the Karakurt Ransomware Extortion Group has already claimed responsibility for the incident, saying that they stole 170 GB of sensitive data, including patients’ Social Security numbers and medical records.

A Medicalodges official addressed the issue on April 13, 2023, saying that the firm is aware of it and has taken measures to safeguard its systems. Further, Medicalodges promises to keep you updated on the occurrence as more details become available. There have been no more announcements from the firm as of May 8, 2023.

If the investigation into the Medicalodges cyberattack reveals that confidential patient information was compromised, the firm must comply with federal law and notify any patients whose information was affected.

What is a Ransomware Attack?

When hackers insert malicious software into a business’s computer network, they are committing a cyberattack known as ransomware. This program encrypts the information and blocks access to it inside the company. If data on the system is encrypted, only those who have the way to decode it may access it.

Ransomware gets its name from the fact that cybercriminals use it to lock businesses out of their own data unless they pay a ransom. Paying the ransom and decrypting the data will put an end to the threat.

Some hackers employ a far more dire threat to ensure that the company pays to get the information back. Having backups of the data eliminates the need for the company to pay the cost. If the company does not pay the ransom, the information may be released into the dark web. This is called “double extortion.”.

If You Have Been Affected by Medicalodges, Inc. Data Breach, Console & Associates, P.C. Can Help

The consumer privacy lawyers at Console & Associates, P.C. help customers affected by data and security breaches pursue legal solutions by offering free consultations. By explaining your rights in clear, concise terms, we help you make an informed decision about your next steps. If you are a victim of the Medicalodges, Inc. data breach, Console & Associates, P.C. will investigate at no charge to you and offer advice on how to proceed. If you decide to pursue a case, rest assured that we don’t get paid unless you do. If your claim is successful, legal fees are either paid out of the funds recovered or by the defendant. If your claim is not successful, you pay nothing.

To schedule your free consultation, just call (866) 778-5500 today or fill out our secure contact form.

NOTICE: If you received a NOTICE OF DATA BREACH letter from Medicalodges, Inc., contact the attorneys at Console & Associates at (866) 778-5500 to discuss your legal options, or submit a confidential Case Evaluation form here.