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Posted On April 28, 2020 Personal Injury,Product Liability and Class Action News

Talc Lawsuit Update

Talc Lawsuit Update: New Jersey Judge’s Ruling Paves the Way for 16,000+ Lawsuits by Cancer Patients and Families

Talc Cancer Lawsuit

After it became publicized in recent years that there could be a causal link between talc powder and ovarian cancer, more than 16,000 lawsuits against talc manufacturer Johnson & Johnson have piled up. The U.S. Department of Justice has also launched a criminal investigation into the matter, Bloomberg reported.

In an effort to help defend against these cases, Johnson & Johnson – which has continued to maintain that its talcum products do not cause cancer despite the discovery of decades-old internal memos that refer to the detection of asbestos in the product – attempted to prevent the plaintiff’s experts from testifying in the case.

If none of the plaintiffs’ experts would have been permitted to testify in the case, it’s very likely that none of the women harmed by the product or their families would have gotten justice.

But, on April 27, 2020, U.S. District Court Judge Freda Wolfson allowed the lawsuits to proceed by ruling that plaintiffs’ experts could testify in the case, albeit with limitations. A Daubert hearing, a type of hearing intended to address the soundness and validity of the science underlying expert witness testimony, was held. Judge Wolfson ruled the science behind some – but not all – of the experts’ testimonies was valid.

Under the ruling, Judge Wolfson considers valid the science underlying experts’ opinions on asbestos contamination of talc and the feasibility that talcum powder could travel to the ovaries when used as a feminine hygiene product.

If you believe that talc powder use may have caused your ovarian cancer or been behind a family member’s cancer development, now is the time to take action – call before it’s too late to make a claim.