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Posted On June 5, 2012 Personal Injury

Violence at XTU Anniversary Concert Leads to Hundreds of Injuries

Country Throwdown doesn’t begin to describe it.

More than 160 people sustained injuries at XTU’s Anniversary Concert at the Susquehanna Bank Center in Camden this past weekend. Police arrested nearly 200 concert goers in connection with a host of assaults causing personal injuries. Live Nation, which promoted the Country Throwdown Tour, may have provided inadequate event security for parking lots. Witness accounts of the violence that took place seem to bare that assertion out.

Emergency workers arriving on scene reportedly witnessed standing pools of blood and victims suffering injuries ranging from deep lacerations to extensive facial fractures. Area hospitals received about a dozen people suffering from broken bones and severe head trauma, according to ABC News. Video from the concert clearly shows horrific assaults continuing unabated while people lay unconscious from injuries. Witnesses talking to local media outlets stated police did little to break up fights occurring throughout the venue’s parking lots.

Cell phone videos and still images of the incidents show the perpetrators repeatedly assaulting fellow concert-goers without fear of being caught. Venue staff and concert promoters, who directed traffic to the parking lot, had an obligation to provide some measure of protection for these people. Clearly, private security furnished by Live Nation wasn’t remotely sufficient to quell the violence.

Total Lack of Preparation

Live Nation, the company managing the event, had fair warning that violence would ensue at the show. A Camden police officer was stabbed in the chest while trying to break up a fight at XTU’s 2011 Anniversary Concert. They knew violence was a likely possibility this year, and didn’t have a sufficient plan in place to prevent the situation from escalating out of control.

Let’s not blame alcohol for the behavior. Beer doesn’t cause severe injuries on its own. Beer doesn’t give people permission to break the bones of other human beings. Intoxicated assailants at that concert who hurt others are violating the law – punish them accordingly.

Finding Those Responsible

These are terrible circumstances that sadly were preventable. My thoughts and prayers are with the victims as they struggle to recover from their injuries. Holding the appropriate parties accountable, including concert promoters, the assailants and venue management, is essential to help these victims restore their lives and ensure these horrible events don’t repeat in the future. The last thing people expect when going to a concert to have a good time is to leave on a stretcher.

Our law firm is representing one victim who suffered serious injuries at the concert. We’re also interested in speaking with anyone who might have witnessed the events to help identify the perpetrators and ensure those responsible are held accountable. If you or someone you know has also sustained significant injuries due to the unchecked violence at the show, and would like our help, contact our New Jersey personal injury attorneys so we can make sure you’re receiving the medical care you need, and explain your legal rights.