$100 Million awarded Since 1994 6,000 Satisfied Clients

Posted On September 17, 2013 Personal Injury

Your Questions Answered: Won’t I Save Money by Accepting an Insurance Company’s Settlement Offer Immediately Instead of Hiring a Lawyer and Having to Pay Legal Fees?

Insurance companies are skilled at persuading victims to accept less money than they really deserve. They may tell you that you’re getting a “fair” offer, and since you don’t deal with paying medical bills for treatments of severe injuries on a daily basis, like they do, you don’t know well enough to disagree. These companies may act as though they are being generous, giving you a gift, when really they are trying to prevent you from exercising your legal right to compensation. They want to resolve the matter quickly, but not out of concern for your well-being or your future. Instead, they just want you to go away without costing them too much of their already lofty profits.

So it’s no surprise that insurance companies will discourage you from seeking legal representation. They may tell you that hiring an attorney will actually cost you money and that the legal fees will take such a massive chunk out of your compensation that it’s not worth the hassle. In reality, insurance companies just don’t want you to know how much more money you could receive with experienced legal help.

How Much More Can You Recover With an Attorney on Your Side?

Victims who hire an attorney to pursue their personal injury claim can recover as much as 3.5 times more compensation than those who attempt to handle their cases without experienced legal representation. How much you can attain may well depend on who you hire, how well your lawyer prepares for your case, and how dedicated he or she is to negotiate to get you the maximum amount of money damages. In our office, we’ve had clients come to us asking for a second opinion when their current attorneys tried to insist that they accept a settlement that seemed too low even to someone without legal experience. At times, we’ve been able to resolve their claim for far more than this initial offer.

The initial settlement that an insurance company makes you may pay for your current medical bills, but chances are good that this money will only pay for a fraction of the total costs you have incurred and may continue to incur, from medical expenses to lost wages. Not only can our office help you recover the full amount of compensation you deserve, but we can also help keep more of your money in your pocket by negotiating down the costs of your medical treatments and working hard to keep legal fees associated with your case as low as possible. If you’re wondering whether your case is worth hiring an attorney for, give us a call to set up a free consultation. Our payment depends on the success of your case, so there’s no reason for us to ever try to convince you to hire our attorneys unless we really can help you recover more compensation. You have nothing to lose, but with our help, you could have a lot to gain.