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Posted On July 12, 2021 Current Events and News,Personal Injury,Product Liability and Class Action News

Zantac Lawsuit Update July 2021

 As Litigation Advances, Cancer Patients and Families Continue Filing New Claims

Zantac - NDMA Cancer linkFor the 1,300+ Zantac cancer lawsuits already filed in the United States, 2021 has been a busy year. While these Zantac claims are advancing toward a resolution, many more former users of the heartburn medication are filing new lawsuits.

If you’re on the fence about whether to move forward with a Zantac lawsuit claim, here is a quick refresher on the litigation.

What Are the Zantac Lawsuits About?

Zantac is the brand name for the heartburn drug ranitidine, previously sold in both over-the-counter and prescription-strength formulations. On April 1, 2020, the Food & Drug Administration requested that all manufacturers of products containing ranitidine remove those products from the United States market.

The reason behind this recall is that ranitidine has been found to contain a probable human carcinogen called N-nitrosodimethylamine, or NDMA, in excess of the quantities considered safe by the FDA.

What Kinds of Cancer Have Been Linked to Zantac?

Through animal laboratory studies and epidemiological case-control studies on human exposure, NDMA exposure has been linked to several types of cancer, including:

  • Bladder cancer
  • Colorectal cancer
  • Gastric cancer
  • Intestinal cancer
  • Esophageal cancer
  • Nasal cancer
  • Liver cancer
  • Kidney cancer
  • Pancreatic cancer
  • Lung cancer
  • Brain cancer
  • Thyroid cancer
  • Leukemia
  • Multiple myeloma
  • Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma
  • Angiosarcoma
  • Prostate cancer
  • Testicular cancer
  • Breast cancer
  • Ovarian cancer
  • Uterine cancer

Some types of cancer are more closely related to NDMA exposure, and to Zantac lawsuits, than others.

How Ranitidine Is Linked to NDMA

On September 9, 2019, online pharmacy Valisure sent a citizen petition to the FDA warning the agency of the pharmacy’s research findings that linked ranitidine to unsafe levels of NDMA. In Valisure’s laboratory testing, the company reported finding as much as 3,000,000 ng of NDMA in one tablet of ranitidine. The maximum amount of NDMA considered safe to ingest by the FDA is 96 ng per day.

The FDA issued a statement warning the public that NDMA had been found in some samples of ranitidine drugs shortly after receiving Valisure’s citizen petition. However, the ranitidine recalls that followed were on a manufacturer-by-manufacturer and lot-by-lot basis. Meanwhile, the FDA was continuing to conduct its own investigations, which, as the agency reported on November 1, 2019, found NDMA “in all samples tested.”

Not until 2020, after a second citizen petition was filed, did the FDA finally call for all ranitidine products to be removed from the market. Through an independent investigation conducted using a new method of testing, California research laboratory Emery Pharma determined that the instability of the ranitidine molecule could cause the medication to produce excessive levels of NDMA when exposed to heat, as the company reported in its January 2, 2020, citizen petition.

Is the Zantac Lawsuit Real?

Yes, the litigation against the manufacturers of Zantac and other drugs containing ranitidine is a real legal action. In fact, there are two types of Zantac lawsuits.

    1. Zantac cancer lawsuit claims, which seek to hold ranitidine manufacturers accountable for the actual economic and non-economic damages that result from developing cancers that the plaintiffs allege were caused by ranitidine use.
    2. Zantac class action failure to warn lawsuits, which are filed by plaintiffs who have not been diagnosed with cancer but which instead seek reimbursement for money spent on Zantac under the premise that the plaintiffs would not have purchased the drug had its manufacturer not concealed information about the potential cancer risk increase associated with the medication.

Zantac cancer claims have been consolidated into multidistrict litigation (MDL) in a Florida federal court, which means that the pre-trial proceedings that apply to all of these claims will go before one federal judge who is familiar with this matter. Upwards of 1,300 Zantac cancer lawsuit matters, which include the claims of more than 70,000 patients and consumers, have been consolidated under Case MDL No. 2924 in the United States District Court’s Southern District of Florida.

What Are the Latest Developments in Zantac Lawsuit Claims?

In May 2021, plaintiffs’ attorneys involved in the Zantac lawsuits accused brand-name drug maker Sanofi of deleting or destroying emails related to the recall and lawsuits, according to Bloomberg. The company is conducting an internal probe pertaining to these emails and should present a report to the federal judge overseeing the case in August, PMLiVE reported.

Have There Been Any Zantac Settlements?

As of July 2021, no Zantac cancer lawsuits have been resolved. Although the first lawsuits were filed almost a year and ten months ago, the litigation is still in its early stages. The discovery portion of the pre-trial stage of litigation is expected to last until late 2021.

Since claims are still progressing through the pre-trial stage, it’s too soon to say what the average payout for Zantac lawsuits will be or how much any individual Zantac lawsuit is worth.

What Zantac lawsuit attorneys can tell claimants is that, if successful, their cases will likely include compensation for damages such as the following:

  • Medical expenses, including the bills for diagnostic tests, chemotherapy, radiation, surgery, medications for managing symptoms and side effects, hospital stays, and rehabilitation services.
  • Lost wages, if your illness keeps you out of work while you undergo treatments or if you’re permanently unable to return to work.
  • Pain and suffering, the non-economic losses that include the physical and emotional suffering you experience as part of a cancer battle, whether due to the illness itself or the treatments needed to fight it.
  • Wrongful death damages, in the event that the plaintiff is the surviving family of a patient who lost their life to a cancer battle. Wrongful death damages might include medical bills incurred by the deceased, loss of income, and the loss of support, love, comfort, companionship, and affection from your deceased family member.

If you have questions about a Zantac lawsuit or want to have your case reviewed at no cost, you should reach out to a Zantac lawsuit attorney as soon as possible.